Understanding JIT spray

Posted by cdleary on 2011-08-29

Steel your mind for a tale of intrigue, intertwingled with a complex topic in browser security. (It's kind of all over the place, but I might spray something useful.)

Our story, like so many others, starts out with a browser user like yourself, a bottle of red wine, and a devoted young hacker from the Eastern Bloc [*] that answers to the handle "Coleslaw". [†]

[*]As forensics conjectured from their IP addresses.
[†]I got tired of writing "the attacker" all the fricking time, so I decided to endear the attacker to you with a ridiculous name. Alice, Bob, and Eve couldn't make it to the party. Just roll with it.

Winey-and-Cheesy Corporation, the largest international wine and cheese distributor, has just blitzkrieg bopped the mainstream media over the head with a tactical PR campaign -- a free case of wine and sizable wheel of Gouda for the five millionth visitor to their website. [‡]

[‡]By now you can probably tell that I wrote this entry while I was hungry.

The only problem is that Winey-and-Cheesy's massively trafficked website... has been owned.

Coleslaw is something of a wunderkind, and has, through feats of social engineering and technical prowess paralleled only by terrible movies from the mid 90s, gained the ability to insert some arbitrary, special-sauce HTML and JavaScript into that promotional page.

Coleslaw intends to perform a "zero-day attack" -- this means that there's a bug in the browser that Coleslaw knows about, but that the browser vendors are unaware of. Coleslaw thinks that this bug can be used to take over the machines of some unsuspecting users who visit the promotional page, capitalizing on their maniacal love of fine dining.

The attacker's dilemma

So, to recap, Coleslaw has found a bug in the browser. Coleslaw wants to exploit that bug in order to obtain arbitrary code execution -- the ability to run whatever code Coleslaw feels like on the machine that's running the vulnerable browser. The question is, how does Coleslaw get from point A, "I see that there's a bug", to point B, "I can run anything I want on the vulnerable machine"? The process of figuring this out is called exploit development.

The exploit development process is a narrative about control. Coleslaw starts off by having control over a small set of things -- the JavaScript and HTML on a page that the browser visits -- but wants to end up controlling everything that the user controls on the vulnerable machine. The environment that internet sites have access to is supposed to be sandboxed; i.e. internet sites are expected to have a somewhat limited and carefully selected set of things it can control. For example, web sites that you happen to stumble across shouldn't be able to delete files off of your hard drive.

Strongly-related to this narrative about control is the concept of determinism. If Coleslaw has a concrete understanding that performing some action, like calling alert from JavaScript, always results in some consequence, like creating and displaying an alert window in the browser, then Coleslaw has effectively extended the realm of control from JavaScript to triggering-the-code-in-the browser-that-displays-an-alert-dialog. Barring bugs, the realm of control is always confined to the sandbox -- the set of possible actions are those that the browser vendor permits an untrusted website to take.

Not all bugs are created equal

There are lots of different kinds of bugs that browser software can have. There's a relatively tiny set of bugs that permit control flow hijacking, which are generally of interest for gaining arbitrary code execution. Successful hijacking implies that you have the ability to control the address of the instruction being executed, which is commonly referred to as pseudo-register %eip (where ip is short for instruction pointer). With full control of %eip, the attacker can point it at any executable code -- possibly at executable code that they've created.

Control flow hijacking is typically accomplished through some kind of memory corruption, stemming from errors in the use of type-unsafe programming constructs in the browser. In general, the bugs of interest for control flow hijacking are:

  • Memory writes that can be used to clobber vtable pointer or function pointer values. The attacker may have control over the location of the memory write, the value being written, or both.
  • Buffer overruns that can be used to manipulate values that are ultimately used to determine code to run. The classic example of this is clobbering return addresses present on the C stack. [§]
[§]Overruns are effectively a subset of memory write bugs that are constrained to a single contiguous set of addresses in memory.

There's also the possibility of using an attacker-controllable invalid memory read bug to cause an invalid write to happen further along in program execution. Bugs that cause segfaults are carefully evaluated by browser security teams to see if the invalid memory access being performed can be manipulated for use in control flow hijacking.

Platform-level mitigations: DEP, ASLR, and canaries

There are some nifty platform-level protections against traditional control flow hijacking techniques. They make both taking control of %eip and executing an attacker controlled code sequence more difficult.

One control-flow hijacking mitigation is stack smashing protection, which is enabled at compile time using a technique referred to as "canary values". An attacker could historically use stack buffer overruns to clobber the return address in a function frame with a target %eip value, and the ret instruction at the end of the function's machine code would return to that new (attacker controlled) address value. With this mitigation enabled, however, the compiler places a special value on the stack between local variables (where the buffer lives) and the return value. The compiler also augments the function body with pre-return function prologue code that checks the canary value on the stack against its original value. If a stack buffer overrun causes the return value to be overwritten, the canary that lives in the contiguous space between the locals and return value should indicate that things have gone horribly wrong.

Generally, we tend to think of executables as containing all their executable code as static machine-code. Other than the code that the compiler spat out as specific sections of the executable, nothing else should run over the course of the program's execution. This expectation is codified in an OS-level mitigation called Data Execution Prevention (DEP).

The goal of DEP is to prevent things which are not code from being executed as code at runtime. Your program stack, for example, is just a bunch of space for data that your C function frames can't keep in registers. There's basically no reason that a sane program would ever want to start executing the stack area of memory like it were code -- if something like that were to happen, it would be better if your program just terminated, because it could be the pivotal point before an attacker like Coleslaw takes control. Program termination means loss of control for the attacker.

Trying to execute code that was not in the original binary will generally cause the program to fault. In a JIT, however, we purposefully create code at runtime, violating the all-the-code-is-in-the-binary assumption. As a result, we have to explicitly mark the machine code that we create as executable by calling to an operating system API function, like VirtualProtect or mprotect, to indicate that the data the process has created should really be executable.

DEP's close friend from acronym club is Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR). ASLR reduces determinism in the process that the attacker is trying to exploit by randomizing the stack address, library loading addres, heap address, and PEB address, amongst other key program components. With this mitigation, hardcoded constant addresses in attacker crafted code become probabilistically unlikely to succeed at hitting their target. As an example, the start of the program stack could wind up being placed at one of 16 thousand locations!

This also means that the address of system DLLs, like the ones containing OS API functions like VirtualProtect and C library functions like system, are probabilistically unknown to the attacker. Since the browser ships linked with all ASLR-enabled DLLs, it's difficult to use linked DLL code as direct footholds in process space.

Coleslaw wants to run an attacker-controlled code payload, but DEP makes it difficult to execute that payload, since it won't be marked as executable by default.

Coleslaw wants to be able to turn the bug that relinquishes control of %eip into a reliable exploit, but ASLR makes it difficult to know where to point %eip in order to run exploit code.

I imagine that turning a crash into an exploit isn't trivial these days.

Staged shellcode payloads

The machine-code payloads that attackers create are referred to as shellcode. Shellcode is generally characterized by its size and its goal, which is usually reflected by the "stage" it's said to be running. For example, the very first shellcode to run, in computer science style, is referred to as "stage 0".

Intermediate stages of shellcode are often used to bootstrap more complex executable code sequences. The complexity involved in turning a bug into an exploit often prevents arbitrarily complex code sequences from executing immediately, so tinier code sequences are written that just delegate responsibility to a more easily formed executable payload. Constraints that apply to the code that the exploit starts running directly tend to disappear after you've gone through some amount of indirection.

Shellcode can easily embed astoundingly small code sequences called "egg hunters" to find the memory address of other attacker-controlled payloads. The egg hunters are designed to avoid faulting the application, because faults cause the attacker to lose control. They work by performing a series of fast-and-minimally-sized system calls to determine whether a virtual memory page is safe to traverse through and read to find the "egg" payload delimiter.

Once the address of a stage 1 data payload is determined, stage 0 shellcode may attempt to make that segment of memory executable. Despite ASLR, the address of the VirtualProtect function can be derived by hopping from the known TEB address to the PEB address to the DLL loader address mapping table. Once executable permissions have been added to the stage 1 shellcode, it can simply be jumped to.

Another alternative, if the stage 0 shellcode is executing out of a code space with both writable and executable permissions and sufficient available space, is to use what's called a "GetPC" shellcode sequence to determine the current value of %eip and then copy the contents of a stage 1 shellcode payload buffer into the current code space.

For some bugs it may be possible to create "common" stage 0 shellcode to bootstrap any other shellcode payload -- this common shellcode is a valuable commodity for exploit toolkits.

JIT spray, deconstructed

As mentioned earlier, the JIT has to mark its own assembly buffers as executable. An attacker may look at using that fact to generate executable stage 0 shellcode, in order to bypass some of the pain inflicted by DEP. But how could you possibly use JIT compilation process to make shellcode?

JIT spraying is the process of coercing the JIT engine to write many executable pages with embedded shellcode.

Blazakis, 2010

Dion Blazakis wrote the seminal paper on JIT spray, in which he presented a jaw-dropping example. Blazakis noticed that the following ActionScript [¶] code:

[¶]ActionScript is the close relative of JavaScript that's used in the Adobe platform for programming Adobe Flash applications and the like.
var y = (
    0x3c54d0d9 ^
    0x3c909058 ^
    0x3c59f46a ^
    0x3c90c801 ^
    0x3c9030d9 ^
    0x3c53535b ^

Was JIT-compiled into the following instruction sequence:

addr    op imm          assembly
0       B8 D9D0543C     MOV EAX,3C54D0D9
5       35 5890903C     XOR EAX,3C909058
10      35 6AF4593C     XOR EAX,3C59F46A
15      35 01C8903C     XOR EAX,3C90C801
20      35 D930903C     XOR EAX,3C9030D9
25      35 5B53533C     XOR EAX,3C53535B

Check out the first line -- it's showing that the first instruction is a MOV that places the 32-bit immediate payload into the EAX register. The 32-bit immediate payload from that instruction (3C54D0D9) is exactly the immediate that was used as the left-hand-side to the long XOR sequence in the original ActionScript code.

Now, if we look at the subsequent lines, we see that the addr column, which is showing the address of instructions relative to the start of the sequence, goes up by 5 every time. That's because each instruction after the initial MOV is performing an XOR against the original value in the accumulator register, EAX, exactly as the ActionScript program described.

Each of these instructions is exactly five bytes long -- each instruction has a one-byte opcode prefix, given under the op column, followed by a 32 bit immediate constant: the opcode for MOV EAX,[imm32] is 0xB8, and the opcode sequence for XOR EAX,[imm32] is 0x35.

The immediate column may look confusing at a glance, but it's actually just the little-endian equivalent of the 32-bit immediate given in the assembly: the "little end" (least significant byte) goes "in" (at the lowest memory address), which is why the byte order looks flipped around from the one given in the assembly (and in the original ActionScript program).

It may not look so sinister, but the above table is actually deceiving you! In the table, all of the instructions are the same number of bytes (5) in length. On x86 CPUs, however, instructions are actually a variable number of bytes in length: instructions can be as small as a single byte, but can get quite long: the nop instruction is just a 0x90 opcode byte with no operands, whereas the movl $0xdeadbeef, 0x12345678(%ebx,%edx,1) instruction is significantly larger. [#]

[#]To rattle off some more fun 1-byte instructions, there's RET (0xC3), LEAVE (0xC9), INT3 interrupt instruction (0xCC), and push/pop for all registers (0x50 + regno from Intel reference manual table 3-1).

As a result, when we look at this instruction sequence "crooked" -- with a one-byte skew to the address -- we decode a totally different sequence of instructions. I'll show you what I mean.

Our instructions in memory look like the following buffer:

static const char buf[] = {
    0xB8, 0xD9, 0xD0, 0x54, 0x3C,
    0x35, 0x58, 0x90, 0x90, 0x3C,
    0x35, 0x6A, 0xF4, 0x59, 0x3C,
    0x35, 0x01, 0xC8, 0x90, 0x3C,
    0x35, 0xD9, 0x30, 0x90, 0x3C,
    0x35, 0x5B, 0x53, 0x53, 0x3C

When we load this up in GDB, and run the disassemble command, we confirm the instructions present in the above table::

(gdb) disassemble/r buf
Dump of assembler code for function buf:
   0x08048460 <+0>:  b8 d9 d0 54 3c mov    eax,0x3c54d0d9
   0x08048465 <+5>:  35 58 90 90 3c xor    eax,0x3c909058
   0x0804846a <+10>: 35 6a f4 59 3c xor    eax,0x3c59f46a
   0x0804846f <+15>: 35 01 c8 90 3c xor    eax,0x3c90c801
   0x08048474 <+20>: 35 d9 30 90 3c xor    eax,0x3c9030d9
   0x08048479 <+25>: 35 5b 53 53 3c xor    eax,0x3c53535b

But then, if we look at the buffer with a one-byte offset, we see a totally different set of instructions! Note the use of buf+1 as the disassembly target.:

(gdb) disassemble/r (buf+1), (buf+sizeof(buf))
Dump of assembler code from 0x8048461 to 0x804847e:
   0x08048461 <buf+1>:       d9 d0  fnop
   0x08048463 <buf+3>:       54     push   esp
   0x08048464 <buf+4>:       3c 35  cmp    al,0x35
   0x08048466 <buf+6>:       58     pop    eax
   0x08048467 <buf+7>:       90     nop
   0x08048468 <buf+8>:       90     nop
   0x08048469 <buf+9>:       3c 35  cmp    al,0x35
   0x0804846b <buf+11>:      6a f4  push   0xfffffff4
   0x0804846d <buf+13>:      59     pop    ecx
   0x0804846e <buf+14>:      3c 35  cmp    al,0x35
   0x08048470 <buf+16>:      01 c8  add    eax,ecx
   0x08048472 <buf+18>:      90     nop
   0x08048473 <buf+19>:      3c 35  cmp    al,0x35
   0x08048475 <buf+21>:      d9 30  fnstenv [eax]
   0x08048477 <buf+23>:      90     nop
   0x08048478 <buf+24>:      3c 35  cmp    al,0x35
   0x0804847a <buf+26>:      5b     pop    ebx
   0x0804847b <buf+27>:      53     push   ebx

If you look down the middle part of the two disassemblies, before the assembly mnemonics, you can read that the bytes are the same from left to right: the first line of the first disassemblies goes b8 d9 d0 54 3c, and the second disassembly starts on the second byte of that same sequence with d9 d0 54 3c, straddling multiple instructions. This is the magic of variable length instruction encoding: when you look at an instruction stream a little bit sideways, things can change very drastically.

Yo dawg, I heard you like X86 assembly...

It's not obvious, at first glance, just how clever this technique is.

The goal of the ActionScript code pattern is for the attacker to insert arbitrary bytes into the code stream that the JIT otherwise generates. The attacker then uses these arbitrary bytes as an alternate instruction stream. However, the attacker has to compensate for the non-attacker-controlled bytes that surround its own.

Each 32-bit immediate encoded in the ActionScript program starts with a MSB of 0x3c -- that byte is little-endian encoded and placed, in memory, right before each of the 0x35s that represent the XOR EAX,[imm32] opcode.

Jumping to the 1-byte offset from the base address of the instruction stream starts us off executing 0xd9 0xd0 -- a two-byte instruction that runs a no-op on the floating point unit. Both of these bytes were part of the attacker's immediate value: 0x3c54d0d9.

Effectively, the attacker is able to control 4 out of every 5 bytes per instruction in the stream. They are somewhat limited by the bytes fixed in the instruction stream, however -- the MSB of each immediate is a 0x3c so that it can successfully combine with the 0x35 from the XOR EAX,[imm32] opcode to create a nop-like instruction, cmp al,0x35, that keeps the stream executing at the 1-byte offset.

It'd be ideal for the attacker if they could find a way to incorporate the 0x35 into an instruction in a useful way, instead of having to lose a byte in order to control it; however, there are lots of fun tricks that you can play to make compact instruction sequences. By making use of the stacky subset of x86 you can get a nice little MISCy program: pushes and pops are nice one-byte instructions that you can split across the semantic nops to simulate moves, and pushing 8-bit signed immediates only takes two bytes, as you can see at buf+11. Dumping your floating point coprocessor state out to the stack is a two byte sequence. Accessing the TEB is a three byte sequence. How can you not love x86?

For this particular code sequence, the attacker only has a 1/5 chance of jumping to an %eip that gives control back to the JIT program -- if you land anywhere in the constant-encoded portion, the instruction sequence will be entirely different.

Outstanding issues

So now we know the basic requirements for pulling off a JIT spray attack:

  • Deterministic attacker control of values embedded in the instruction stream
  • Control of %eip
  • The ability to jump somewhere inside the JIT code, in order to probabilistically execute the attacker's interleaved instruction stream

But wait, how do you know where to jump?

JIT spray opens up the possibility for an attacker to create a lot of very similar code via the JIT compiler, possibly with nop sled prefixes. As a result, one approach to bypassing both DEP and ASLR is to fill enough of the address space with JIT code that you can jump to a random location and hit an attacker-controlled portion valid JIT code buffer with reasonable probability.

But this leads to further questions: What address does the attacker pick to jump to? How much code memory does the attacker spray? Creating a reliable exploit seems significantly more difficult.

Blazakis' solution

In order to create a reliable exploit -- as opposed to a probabilistic one -- Blazakis used the techniques of pointer inferencing and heap feng shui.

The sandbox makes it particularly tricky to figure out where things live in memory. Those kinds of details definitely aren't supposed to be exposed through the sandbox. If the attacker were able to figure out the locations of things in memory space through the sandbox, it would be considered an information leak.

Pointer inferencing is the technique that Blazakis used to accurately determine the memory location of heapified ActionScript entities in the Flash VM. The inferencing described in Blazakis' paper is cleverly based on the fact that literal integer values in the Flash virtual machines are [♠] hashed alongside of heap-object pointers. By observing the default dictionary enumeration order -- the order in which keys exist in the hash table -- Blazakis was able to narrow down the value of the object pointer to its exact location. [♥]

[♠]Were? I'm not sure how much things have changed since then.
[♥]In JavaScript, by contrast, string (object) and integer keys never coexist in the same dictionary-like object. Weak maps require their keys to be objects and don't permit enumeration.

"Heap feng shui" is the process of understanding the memory allocation behaviors of the sandboxed environment that code is running in, and using that knowledge to place objects in some known locations in memory relative to each other. Blazakis noted that the ActionScript object heap expands in 16MiB increments and took into account the heuristics for executable allocations when loading ActionScript bytecode entities. Blazakis also relied on the usage of VirtualAlloc in the ActionScript memory allocator, with the knowledge that VirtualAlloc maps the first 64KiB aligned hole that's found in a linear scan through the virtual address space.

Blazakis was able to combine these techniques into reliable stage 0 shellcode execution by:

  1. Determining the exact pointer of the first object within a 16MiB heap chunk.
  2. Spraying just enough JIT code to place a JIT code allocation right after that 16MiB chunk.
  3. Determining the JIT spray address to be the object address + 16MiB.
  4. Adding a value like 0x101 to the base address to get an unaligned JIT code location, as described in the JIT spray section above.
  5. Jumping to that resulting address.

Back to the story: the law of large numbers

So, Coleslaw intends to use a multi-step process:

  1. Find bug that permits control flow hijacking
  2. Perform JIT spray
  3. Jump to probabilistic address for stage 0 shellcode

Importance of leaked information about the memory map becomes apparent here: it prevents you from doing a JIT-spray and jump-pray. However, given enough visitors, like the five million to Winey-and-Cheesy's giveaway, we have to start calculating expected values. As mitigations are added to lower the probability of success, we can see the expected value of ownage drop as well.

What will become of our anti-hero?

Will Coleslaw be able to use JIT spray to successfully exploit the browser?

Will pesky JavaScript engine hackers join forces with The League of Extraordinary Security Experts in an attempt to foil Coleslaw's plans with epic mitigations?

What will become of the wheel of Gouda? I hear that they don't keep for very long...

All this, and more, next week -- same time, same channel -- on Honest to a Segfault!